Ive met quite a few female exjws..either in person or online. Most had health issues..the sort of illnesses only female jws get. Usually diet related.
stan livedeath
JoinedPosts by stan livedeath
We Knew Many JWs That Weren’t Right....what about xjws??
by minimus indo you think that when people leave the religion that they are basically now, “normal”?
or do you think it’s more a work in progress?.
2020-December--Announcements Etc
by projecthydra in2020-december--announcements and reminders.2020-december--audio/video guidelines for those giving public talks via video conference.. download link https://www.filemail.com/d/yfmnczlhgjzhwqq.
stan livedeath
How do they give a public talk without any public access ? -
by Atlantis inyou are what she wanted to be!please, let us remove any blame to anyone right up front.
what happened to petra was not the fault of mark o'donnell, listener, corney, mike and kim, or anyone else.. constant rejection and shunning even at an early age, the depression was storing up inside of her.
she was shunned inside the hall and outside the hall.
stan livedeath
Hi Cantleave. How are you and your family ?
How much do Elders actually get along with each other?
by Davros ini was reading in the shepherding book that elders should “ cultivate and maintain friendships with one another.”, and thought to myself “bulls$it!” i remember that most of the elders in my old congregation were nothing but nasty asses.
i know it may vary from congregation to congregation, but do elders generally get along with each other behind closed doors in elders meetings?
or, are they often in conflict with each other?
stan livedeath
Back when this elders "arrangement" first started..early 70s? Was it ? In the cong my parents attended..(i was far away and married by then)..there was an unholy row.
I never knew the finer details..but i do recall the cong was split into 2 cliques..and they even sat on opposite sides of the center walkway in the meetings.
When it came to recommending those first elders..that was a real feud about it..to the degree that 6 or so got disfellowshipped..and there were no recommendations..apart from one...my dad..and he certainly didnt want it. So a new presiding overseer was "parachuted in" from a neighbouring cong..
This took place in what was then Hockley cong in Birmingham UK..later to be called Winson Green. ( If anyone reading this knows the area )
73 years old, a Witness for 48 years, an elder for 24 years, Baptized just before 1975. WOKE UP!
by pistolpete ini thought i would post an encouraging experience i found today.
i've been seeing a lot of 70-80 year old jws waking up, and their children are posting their experience on reddit.
these are old elders, pioneers, circuit overseers who have given their everything and finally at the end of their life, are walking away.. maybe the key to waking up is that a person has to have a deep sense of right and wrong.
stan livedeath
Im sure my old dad was wide awake about it till he fied at 95. The only thing he was in it fir was the hope of the redurrection to be with mom again. She had died 15 years before him.
by Atlantis inyou are what she wanted to be!please, let us remove any blame to anyone right up front.
what happened to petra was not the fault of mark o'donnell, listener, corney, mike and kim, or anyone else.. constant rejection and shunning even at an early age, the depression was storing up inside of her.
she was shunned inside the hall and outside the hall.
stan livedeath
Thanks..Atlantis...but no..i really have no intention of reading anything watchtower ever again.
Car Projects
by peacefulpete inhow many of you enjoy car projects?
we do one for the parade most every year.
this year was a bust but the project is done and ready for next july.
stan livedeath
Heres my MG TF..dirt cheap here in the UK...sell for a small fortune in Europe..and not available in the US..yet
by Atlantis inyou are what she wanted to be!please, let us remove any blame to anyone right up front.
what happened to petra was not the fault of mark o'donnell, listener, corney, mike and kim, or anyone else.. constant rejection and shunning even at an early age, the depression was storing up inside of her.
she was shunned inside the hall and outside the hall.
stan livedeath
Just a thought...if the letter was just to one congregation..and now its leaked all over the internet..could it be a deliberate action by the watchtower to trace and plug the leak ?
Nah..i doubt if the watchtower management could give a toss.
Car Projects
by peacefulpete inhow many of you enjoy car projects?
we do one for the parade most every year.
this year was a bust but the project is done and ready for next july.
stan livedeath
Its a pop up toaster!
by Atlantis inyou are what she wanted to be!please, let us remove any blame to anyone right up front.
what happened to petra was not the fault of mark o'donnell, listener, corney, mike and kim, or anyone else.. constant rejection and shunning even at an early age, the depression was storing up inside of her.
she was shunned inside the hall and outside the hall.
stan livedeath
Even though I was never a recipient of those documents..(since I have no real interest in the religion)
Same with me.